Treat Those Feet!!! forums

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May 6, 2004
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Following haloinrverse's post on "tips for soothing ouchy feet", i went looking for more articles on how to look after the most used part of your body!! Thought ye might like this! Treat Those Feet For Summer! Chances are your feet have been locked away in a big pair of boots on the run up to the summer, so before you shed your socks, consider treating your feet to a home pedicure; the ultimate pampering experience! Every good pedicure should begin with a nice relaxing soak in warm water. Consider dissolving some cleansing peppermint oil in the water to enhance the home spa experience; if you aren't too pushed on peppermint, you can try lavender, rosemary or almond oil. It is a matter of personal choice as to how long you spent soaking, but when your toes start to crinkle, it's a definite sign to move on to the next step! Once your feet have finished soaking, its time for my least favourite part – the scrubbing. The foot soak should have softened up the loose skin; a foot scrub or pumice stone will remove all trace of it. There are a number of excellent scrubs on the market, but if you would prefer to make your own, there are some wonderful recipes available on the internet. Check out the Recipe Goldmine ( or the Get Crafty Website ( for some inspiration. Scrub away to your hearts content, paying careful attention to the soles and heels. Take care not to scrub too vigorously; some people develop hardened skin on their feet to protect them against injury whilst playing sport, removing this will result in discomfort. After the scrub you should begin to notice some improvement in the condition of the skin, so its time to start concentrating on the nails. Apply a cuticle softener to the base of each nail. Leave to soak for a few moments, and then gently push the cuticles back with an orange stick. Using a nail scissors, carefully trim the nails in a straight line. Toe nails should be kept short and square at all times. Delicately file away any rough edges with an emery board. Rinse and dry the feet thoroughly. Smear a rich moisturising cream onto the skin and tenderly massage the feet, paying particular attention to the soles so as to help relieve tension. Heat a damp towel in the microwave (carefully!) and wrap it around the feet, sit back for a quarter of an hour and allow the cream to work its magic. Finally its time to apply some colour! Begin by applying a base coat to protect the nail from any staining and provide you with an even surface to work with. Apply two coats of your favourite colour polish, and finish with a glossy top coat to help protect against chipping. Voila – time to strap on those sandals, wiggle your toes and flaunt your fantastic looking feet all summer long! Article taken from

thanks for posting! i bookmarked those sites to check out later.


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