Do you buy things you KNOW you won't use forums

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gulity! can u say mac allover gloss in astonish... if someone can tell me when/ how to actually use this stuff i'd appreciate it. ive never worn it out, but the color is so pretty, and i can't find an eyeshadow that shade...

My impulse buying is seriously MAC's fault. They really introduce too many collections within a short period of time. I do want barbie though. At first i didn't want the doll, but the more I stare at her, I just have to get her. As far as the makeup, from day one I wanted most of the eyeshadows, a blush, and a lipstick or two. now I feel like I need everything. I change my list everyday. At first I thought I do buy because thats what others are buying, but I know when the collection is released next week I'll only get what i really wanted. Not what others are buying... just to say I have it. I do have a bad addiction though, and MAC is only making it worse. Last year at this time the only Mac thing I owned was a lipglass and a perfume. What I have now is just pure insane.

Oh geez I do this waaaayy too much! I always want to eyeshadows!!! lol I have so many eyeshadows, and I hardly EVER wear any, and when I do it's my purple ones. lol I really need to learn how to wear e/s so I can wear all my other pretty ones.

oh yeah, I'm definitely one of them.

well, at least I play around with them at home, lol

One cool thing about buying stuff that everyone raves about (and you KNOW you won't use) is that you can keep it for a while, then swap it for some other sought after item you missed (at least that's what I think in my head)

i try not too.

i mean i have stuff ive used a couple times, but nothing that i havent used at all.

No, I think you're far from alone. I get panicy if I think I,m going to miss out on something even if I don't need it.

MAC sure know how to market don't they. I've been buying it since it came out in the UK, there was one counter in the whole of the country. I went up to London especially and have NEVER seen anything like it. It was like 3 or 4 deep in people wanting the stuff. I'd love to be able to remember what my first puchase was but I do know I have spent thousands of pounds on it since, insane!

i try to avoid the immediate surroundings of sephora or i might get out with something, and as a student, i don't have much money to spend on mu ^^(sigh).

actually now i use products i bought like 2 years ago and didn't really know how to apply (one is a blush/bronzer from l'oréal i used to cake all over my face, and one is a LE e/s from Bourjois, a very nice orange with pink and gold undertones).

I do that too. I reckon if you like it, hang on to it because sooner or later you'll be inspired to find a way to wear it.

i always buy eyeliner and never use half of them. i'm contantly searching for the darkest eyeliner.

haha, you are not alone i am too esp when it comes to MAC collections just because i know its really my only garuntted chance of getting LE products

No, I only buy things that I at least believe I will use...MUT members have inspired me though to buy lots more makeup than I ever bought before!



I'm a makeup junkie. Always have been. :11a: Often times trying new products I've seen in a magazine or read about that sounds good. I have tons and never use half of it. But it's the thrill of the hunt! I can't even wait to get home with the stuff! I go right to my car after purchasing stuff and have to put it on right then and there... Most of it is cheap stuff since I don't ever have enough to buy the high end stuff... Good thing, or I'd be livin' in the "poor house" for sure! (But at least I'd LOOK purdy! lol) Funny thing is that I hardly wear makeup to begin with anymore... But man, do I have a stash!
I like your name by the way... My daughter's middle name is Audrey Nicole

I'm actually pretty good. I only buy stuff that I know I can wear or that I need. I have 3 foundations and 2 concealers in my traincase, but they are all the same product and color. I had extra money one day and bought a couple back-ups of my staples. I have bought a few things that looked really pretty in the store and got them home, tried them on better and went, "Crap!" LOL But I've swapped, sold or given those away.

Not really. Sometimes I buy LE stuff just to have it, but I have used every product in my stash at least once.
Yeah I do it all of the time like I buy eyeshadow all of the time and I only wear like on kind of eyeshadow.



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