Do you have a Tattoo? forums

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I definetely think people should think about it for a long time before they proceed. Think about what design they want, which area they get it in and also who does it. The artist you choose makes all the difference.

I was an expirimental girl and kind of carefree as well as stupid and had one when I was 15. It was a homeade job and it is just a small green heart on my lower abdomen. It meant something at the time and actually still does but because it's an amateur job and eventually I want kids, I just want to get it off. Me and my best friend got the same tattoo at the same time and when she was pregnant with her daughter, it got stretched out of recognition.

I just went last week to get my first treatment of laser removal. It is true that the laser hurts more than the tattoo. Although, it is over very quick, it hurts!

Do I plan on getting anymore? Yes. I love tattoos, I just really want to make sure I find an excellent artist and design. I already know what I want though!

I have three tattoos, the first one being the smallest. I have a tribal dragon that's about twelve inches long between my shoulder blades, and another tribal (just a random design) from my wrist to my elbow.



I love them. They're my best accessories. I don't think I need anymore, however.


I knew there was a reason I liked you...haha

Here's my two tattoos: Excuse the awful pictures....




I was really thinking about getting one not too long ago. It would have been two red cherries next to my left hip bone.
I have always wanted a tattoo on my lower back, but I am such a sissy when it comes to pain! I almost faint when I have my blood drawn!

They definitely hurt me, both of them!!

Originally Posted by luckylabonte I have always wanted a tattoo on my lower back, but I am such a sissy when it comes to pain! I almost faint when I have my blood drawn!
Once I tired deep breathing and just zoning out...they feel much better. Plus you just keep thinking, itll be over soon, and soooo worth it. None of mine hurt afterward....unless you bump into somthing

The best advice I can say is.. draw a picture of what you want and in 2 years you still want it--- go for it!!!!!!

Originally Posted by userposeur

The best advice I can say is.. draw a picture of what you want and in 2 years you still want it--- go for it!!!!!!

I have 3 red rosebuds on mt left shoulder. I got it about 6 years ago. I like it, but I wish I haden't gotten it now that I have a baby daughter, because I don't want her to get one. But chances are she will anyway.

I have two, both of which my husband designed. One is a celtic cross on my leg and here is the one on my foot....

Yep- Guilty! I have a bunch and i love mine. I have to take pics and post them for ya's. I have a large, well, to ME its large, to others maybe not so much, but its right shoulder, a mural type of all kinds of things, birds, butterflies, vines, flowers etc.. i like it.. Not all done at once

Then i have the lower back one. aka "tramp stamp", "butt antlers" "target tat". its about 4 inched wide and 9 inches from left to right, its a celtic tribal claddagh. THAT SUCKER HURT! i hva to go BACK and get more work done on it cuz for some reason, black just gets really spotty on me..

My right ankle has a japanese Koi and some more heavy black tribal and a dolphin leapin outta water which was the FIRST i got..Then Koi was next.. went back, got the band done later

I do want more...

Personally I think the tattoo on Angie's back is beautiful! So is the script one she has on one of her shoulders... I am an artist, so I LOVE any type of art, and most of the ones she has are true art, beautiful designs done by skilled craftsmen...

I wouldn't mind getting a piece of art, maybe not quite that big, but I would definitely get it a place that could be EASILY covered. Unfortunately Rob isn't a huge fan of tats so I won't be getting a big one, at least not now.

I am planning to get a memorial tattoo for two people who I have loved that died. I am still trying to plan out what I want and where. Again something hidden, and something very very small, nothing obtrusive or garish. That would defeat the whole meaning behind the tattoo...

Everyone's tats that I have seen on this post look great!! I love your cherries Jen, and X your dragon on your back is amazing!! BEAUTIFUL work!!

I would love to get something wwaaaaaay down on my back, like even juts barely peeking out from my ultra low rise jeans, right above the crack, but I don't know what to get yet... I am definitely NOT impulsive when it comes to tattoos... I don't want to hate it in 10 yrs...

Wow that's a piece of art! I'm not a fan of tattoos at all but that looks hot on you

Originally Posted by Laura Wow that's a piece of art! I'm not a fan of tattoos at all but that looks hot on you
thx you cupcake =)
Those are really hot! I don't have any but my daughter has a little girl devil sitting on a block of ice ..cooling off . My sons have their intial and their grandfathers intial that passed away tatooed in sort of a joining of the letters..hard to explain. Also one has fido dedo (however you spell it) stick guy..drinking a beer

Originally Posted by Mitsuko Some of you already know i do tattoo for living.. and i looove tattoos

so i was wondering if any of you have some, if so how many, where, do you have a pictures ?

here's mine

Attachment 12048 on each ankles

Attachment 12051Attachment 12050Attachment 12049

my right arm

Attachment 12052 this is jack skellington from nightmare before xmas but maybe im gonna do a coverup with flowers needles for me.... but, I admire some of them on other people when they look good

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