Rainbow Honey Mystery Box

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I'm thinking I need the scented top coat.  Since I started using RH scented top coats, I've been going through it really quickly -- probably half a bottle a month -- because I love the scents!  I'm finding myself adding another coat when the scent fades, and since adding another layer of top coat helps extend manis, I'm finding myself more able to stick to one color all week when I'm pressed for time.  And I just dug out all of my holiday-oriented nail wraps, so I'll definitely be getting plenty of use out of top coats!

I bought a November mystery bag to give to a friend for Christmas, but I love the colors for myself! I really didn't think I'd care for the blueish/teal kind of a color, but I do. Oh dear.

I got charged for December's mystery bag today. I'm so hoping for some kind of holiday-themed top coat!

I'm hoping for a sugar plum scented top coat, but I have a feeling that's not going to happen.
That'd be awesome. I need a holiday scented top coat. I wore Apple Peel for Thanksgiving but I had to put on Summer Juice scented top coat over it because I don't have any fall/winter scented top coats from Rainbow Honey.

That'd be awesome. I need a holiday scented top coat. I wore Apple Peel for Thanksgiving but I had to put on Summer Juice scented top coat over it because I don't have any fall/winter scented top coats from Rainbow Honey., 
I have the pumpkin spice one, but once we got (unseasonably early!) snow here, I was pretty much done with that one a couple of weeks ago, and now I want to move on to something else.  The cranberry sangria one is particularly appealing right now.

I was mega excited that my package had shipped early-ish, but nope. It's still in the "shipping label created" stage. Bummer!

I was mega excited that my package had shipped early-ish, but nope. It's still in the "shipping label created" stage. Bummer!
Pretty sure USPS is drunk. I have two packages I'm waiting on that have been delivered to the wrong post offices.  Close - in the same county, but not to mine. So they're delayed a couple days. 

Pretty sure USPS is drunk. I have two packages I'm waiting on that have been delivered to the wrong post offices. Close - in the same county, but not to mine. So they're delayed a couple days.
Hoping you're right but RH has been notorious for not shipping for days after the label has been made. After awhile, you see a pattern there that can't always be on the PO.

Mine is showing at my local post office, so it could arrive today! Then again, my tracking app showed a different package as out for delivery on Saturday, and it has yet to show up. *shrug*

Ooh I'm so excited to see what Dec is! Tracking is not reliable at all right now. 

I don't know if I ever got shipping but I think this is my last month with Rainbow Honey, as sad as it is, they just can't compete with my love for Native War Paints.

Yeah, the Postal Service is super messed up this time of year. Mine still says it's in pre-shipping mode. Bleh!

I saw the Instagram post and some of them looked like repeats if you look at the labels really closely, but I still think it looks like a good chunk of polishes (if they're all polishes and one's not a cuticle oil).

Yup, the one with the labels. And a theme. I'm a sucker for a good theme.

ETA: Now I see that the photo has two of each of the shades, but, still, THEME. Love it.

ETA2: Link to Wikipedia entry about the source material behind spoiler tags!

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Ooh, quick drive-by post!  Photos to come later, but a brief overview of the contents.  The photo I saw on Instagram made it look like there was only two polishes in there.  Actual contents:

  • Two polishes (one is like a red-and-gold version of Aurora from last month, and the other is a glitter topper that reminds me of a snowball rolled in a mixture of gravel and crushed-up disco ball.  I mean this in a good way!  I'm seriously digging it!)
  • Scented top coat (YAY!)  (even though I also just picked up the cranberry sangria one as well.  I’ve been going through about half a bottle a month lately, so I will always welcome more!)
  • Lotion
  • Solid perfume
  • Cutlcle balm
Those last four are in Muscovite, a new scent that has no real description but is a kind of chilly wintery fruity (and almost spicy) scent.
And now I get to clean the litter box before I can do anything else.  Are you jealous yet?

ETA: Photo!

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Ooh, quick drive-by post!  Photos to come later, but a brief overview of the contents.  The photo I saw on Instagram made it look like there was only two polishes in there.  Actual contents:

  • Two polishes (one is like a red-and-gold version of Aurora from last month, and the other is a glitter topper that reminds me of a snowball rolled in a mixture of gravel and crushed-up disco ball.  I mean this in a good way!  I'm seriously digging it!)
  • Scented top coat (YAY!)  (even though I also just picked up the cranberry sangria one as well.  I’ve been going through about half a bottle a month lately, so I will always welcome more!)
  • Lotion
  • Solid perfume
  • Cutlcle balm
Those last four are in Muscovite, a new scent that has no real description but is a kind of chilly wintery fruity (and almost spicy) scent.

And now I get to clean the litter box before I can do anything else.  Are you jealous yet?
Thank for the information! I'm excited. Hopefully mine will just magically arrive tomorrow. LoL

Edited to add: Ooooooooh, those are pretty!!

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